Mission and Vision
As in the Faculty of Sports Sciences of Bartın University, the Department of Physical Education and Sports aims to train pioneer teachers and sportsmen of the Republic of Turkey; It aims to bring individuals who are respectful to human values, who can adapt to the differing world conditions and lead the society, with a researcher, questioning, developer and analytical mindset. It has made it its MISSION to host information resources and to contribute to social life while developing knowledge by blending it with sports in scientific studies.
The Department of Physical Education and Sports has accepted the guidance of science, rewards working and success in sports, wants sports to be valued by large audiences by preserving academic and ethical values, has adopted the contribution of sports to our physical and mental health, aims to be proud academically and administratively, and fulfills its social duties. It is a department that has accepted being an institution that is respectful to its environment, as its core values. It has set out with the VISION of being a leading and preferred department, which prioritizes the contributions of science and technology to sports, which is recognized by the sports science community in this field, which is taken as an example by other Physical Education and Sports Departments of our country.